Brenda's profile photo

Hi, I'm Brenda Sariowan

Front-end developer from
Groningen, The Netherlands.

At college and university I majored in fine arts and in communication & information sciences. I have gained valuable technical knowledge and experience on the subject of digital printing while working in the printing industry. Currently I am in the midst of making a career change towards the tech industry. In order to make the switch to front-end development I'm expanding my knowledge and skills on HTML, CSS and Javascript (React). Below are some of the courses I've completed.


Brenda's SheCodes Basics workshop certificate of achievement

SheCodes Basics - Introduction to coding

This workshop focused on the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. For me it was a quick refresher on HTML and CSS. JavaScript was new, but very intriguing to me.

Brenda's SheCodes Plus workshop certificate of achievement

SheCodes Plus - Front End Development

This workshop provided an in-depth look at HTML, CSS, JavaScript and website responsiveness. It introduced a number of front-end technologies, APIs and tools for building an interactive application: the Weather app.

Brenda's SheCodes Responsive workshop certificate of achievement

SheCodes Responsive - Responsive Web Development

This hands-on workshop showed me the ropes on flexbox and utility CSS classes such as responsive grids, images and navigation. Responsive testing, media queries and SEO were also introduced. The final project is a multi-page portfolio website.
